
Frequently Asked Questions

How does Referenzio work?

Paste your text, and the algorithm automatically sorts citations by order of appearance. No need for manual adjustments!

What citation formats are supported?

Referenzio supports all formats that require square brackets for in-text referencessquare brackets for in-text references, including APA, IEEE, MLA, and Chicago.

Is my data safe?

Yes! Your text is processed temporarily and never stored. I prioritize user privacy.

Is Referenzio free?

Yes! Referenzio is completely free to use. I may introduce premium features like sorting references directly in the Word documents in the future for additional functionality.

Can I request new features?

Absolutely! I'd love user feedback. Contact me via the Contact Page.

What technologies were used to develop the tool?

Referenzio is writen in Python on Flask using following opensource libraries: DASH, Dash Mantine Components.